Jaw Pain: What Are the Common Causes?

Jaw Pain: What Are the Common Causes?

Your smile is your logo and signature, so it’s crucial to protect it from possible dental problems. There are many different prevention ways, including brushing, flossing, regular checkups with your dentist, etc. All these methods are effective and can minimize the risk of dental issues. Still, many people don’t follow these prevention tips, so you can see many patients at dental clinics waiting to get checked by dentists. As a top dentist in Vancouver explains, among all the different dental problems you may experience, dental emergencies have another level of importance as they need to be immediately handled by a professional. You can’t postpone your dentistry visit when it comes to dental emergencies, and it’s necessary to visit your dentist as quickly as possible. One of the most severe dental emergencies many suffer from is jaw pain. Feeling pain and discomfort around your jaw can reflect many underlying situations in your oral health. Therefore, it’s not recommended to overlook your condition if you don’t want to experience more severe complications. Today’s article explains common causes of jaw pain to help you protect your smile better than before.

Gingivitis: This condition is usually the result of poor oral hygiene and plaque formation. If you neglect your sensitive and bloody gums for a long time, you are at risk of gingivitis, which can cause jaw pain after a while. It’s not recommended to try home remedies if you are dealing with gingivitis. Instead, you need to contact your emergency dentist to find them as soon as possible.

•	Tips to Relieve Jaw Pain

Tooth Sensitivity: If you feel severe sharp pain after consuming something hot or cold, you must visit your emergency dentist immediately. Tooth sensitivity is a common sign of dental emergencies, including jaw problems, damaged nerves, etc. Your emergency dentist can explain the main reason for tooth sensitivity and find the best solution to restore your healthy smile. Moreover, you need to ask your dentist about the recommended hygiene tools because it’s better not to use regular toothpaste or mouthwash if you have sensitive teeth.

Tooth Cavity: One of the most common causes of jaw pain is dental cavities. Bacterial infection can damage the enamel layer of your tooth. As a result, your tooth isn’t protected like before, and the infection can leach into the inner tissues, causing inflammation. It explains how dental cavities are one of the most serious causes of jaw pain. Your emergency dentist can treat tooth cavities with the help of fillings or root canal therapy in more severe cases.

Accidents: It’s possible to find your jaw severely damaged due to an unexpected incident. It can lead to a painful situation, and you must visit your emergency dentist immediately. Many athletes get injured during sporting events, so it’s highly recommended to wear mouthguards or other protective gear to prevent jaw damage.

  • Tips to Relieve Jaw Pain

You can try the following tips to alleviate the pain until you can see your emergency dentist:

  • Use hot/cold press massage
  • Try natural remedies like peppermint tea or thyme
  • Try relaxed jaw exercises

Take good care of your smile and visit your emergency dentist once in a while to prevent such problems!

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