Month: October 2021

The treatments for plantar flascitis And The diagnosis

The treatments for plantar flascitis And The diagnosis

The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is made after an orthopedic specialist visit , during which the presence and location of the pain will be verified.

In addition, instrumental investigations may be necessary, such as x-rays performed under load, which will document the cavity of the foot and often the presence of a heel spur plantar fasciitis treatment in singapore.

The latter is the indirect image of the existence of an inflammation of the periosteum (membrane covering the bone) which, due to fascial tension , is then stimulated, at the insertion point of the fascia at the level of the heel, to produce again bone along the traction axis of the fascia itself. Since this is a strictly mechanical pathology, the treatment will be aimed at reducing or abolishing the tension of the plantar fascia . Therefore, it will also be purely mechanical and consist in the release of the fascial cord. This can be achieved electively by using a shoe with a comfortable heel of three / four centimeters, even in men. Possibly, the external heel, which if too high is badly accepted by the male patient for aesthetic reasons, can be associated with a non-deformable heel unit which, therefore, maintains its thickness under the weight of the body, inside the shoe.

Once this need has been met, physical and pharmacological therapy can also be combined .

This consists of:

  • Administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and corticosteroids
  • Stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Shock waves
  • Laser therapy
  • Ultrasound

The infiltrations , here, are not recommended because they are too painful and with an uncertain outcome, as well as the insoles “to support the arch of the foot”, which actually increase the tension of the fascia itself and can even worsen the symptoms.

If the patient follows these remedies scrupulously, the pain usually subsides within a few weeks, without the need for surgery. indication for surgery .

Surgical treatment for plantar fasciitis

The intervention consists in the interruption and section of the plantar fascia , in its entirety, while the surgical techniques aimed at the removal of the heel spur, the disinsertion of the fascia at this level or the removal of the fascia itself are overcome and not free from complications. . The most modern and minimally invasive technique consists in the percutaneous interruption of the plantar fascia under the skin, therefore performed without surgical incisions.

Buy Delta 8 Products

Getting the best delta-8 products

Delta-8 products have gained a lot of traction because their main ingredient is federally legal and readily available. Delta-8 (also known as D-8 THC) offers an instant, long-lasting and active high like no other. Therefore, it is essential to understand what delta-8 product you should buy without bad experiences. Here are some tips to remember during your next purchase:


+ The strength of dronabinol in the 1:1 ratio is approximately 3 to 1 compared with dronabinol 5mg capsules. This means that the 1:1 oil can be similar in strength to Marinol(R) capsules at the 2x dose. However, this varies greatly depending on how much cannabis oil was used to produce the 1:1 oil, which is not regulated in most countries. The strength of delta-8 THC can therefore vary from 10mg to 50mg, and this cannot be determined before consuming it, so if you’re a beginner, start with a low dosage and slowly work your way up.


+ Cannabis oils usually come in syringes, making it easy to measure the amount of active ingredient (THC). These measurements are very accurate, but keep in mind that some products such as hash oil do not always match these measurements, leaving room for error like confusing drops with milliliters or grams.

Buy Delta 8 Products


+ Quality varies significantly across all brands, which means one product may be more beneficial than another. If you want to try cannabis oil, buy a product with good reviews and numbers to ensure quality control. You can check out the reviews of our products on our website by clicking here.


+ The taste and smell of cannabis oil are not always pleasant, which means you may want to hide it in food such as cookies, cakes, or sweets instead of smoking or vaping. Always ask your supplier about taste and smell, as this varies from brand to brand. Go to and buy the best product. 


+ Cannabis oils take longer than other methods such as smoking/vaping because delta-8 THC must be absorbed through the gut rather than just passing through quickly like recreational cannabinoids (such as THC and CBD). During this time (usually 2-3 hours), you will feel no effects, so make sure to dose correctly. Don’t take more thinking you haven’t touched it kicks in because by the time the product kicks in, your tolerance will have lowered, and you may require a higher dose.


+ Never drive under any circumstances, whether you feel anything or not, as cannabis is still an offense after being treated with delta-8 THC. It is also important to note that driving increases your chances of having a bad reaction, so avoid at all costs if possible.