Dental Abscess

Dental Abscess

If the dental pulp fails to defend itself after infection, the chances of an abscess forming at the root tip are very high. Such an infection reaches the gums from the end of the root of the tooth and causes swelling and severe pain!

Treatment is usually a little more complicated and, in some cases, may lead to tooth extraction in the emergency dental office. In more advanced cases of infection, dental abscesses may extend to sensitive areas of the head and neck that require complex surgery.

In the case of abscesses and dental infections, the use of antibiotics on its own is not recommended at all because sometimes the misuse of antibiotics can hide the symptoms or make germs resistant. Therefore, in case of dental abscesses, you should see an emergency dentist as soon as possible to take the necessary treatment measures. On the other hand, untreated infected teeth are very dangerous because in addition to the effect of infection on the general health of the body, in some cases, the infection of deciduous teeth affects the buds of the lower permanent causes the destruction of these teeth.

The main procedure in the treatment of dental abscesses is to remove the infectious agent, which is done by opening a path such as cutting tissues on the abscess, root canal treatment, or even extracting the tooth to remove pus second way is to prescribe the necessary antibiotics. In order to complete the treatment and remove the infectious substances, both cases must be done in the emergency dental office. If a superficial abscess is not treated in time, the infection can spread to deeper tissues and become problematic.

Symptoms of Dental Abscess

The main symptoms of dental abscess appear gradually and may include the following:

  1. Severe pain when touching the affected tooth while chewing
  2. Loosening of the affected tooth
  3. Sensitive and red swelling of the gums on the root of the tooth
  4. Release of pus into the mouth

The first sign of these dangerous abscesses is usually high fever and lethargy. In this case, the patient’s general condition is not good, and the person feels pain, difficulty in swallowing food and water. Considering that the dentist can diagnose this abscess, the patient should see a dentist as soon as the symptoms appear.

Diagnosis of Dental Abscess

The dentist usually diagnoses dental abscesses by examining the mouth and teeth. Ways of diagnosis are:

– Use of dental radiography

– Heat test

– Electrical dental test

When the pus drains, the symptoms of the abscess subside, but the infection persists until the tooth is healed.


Treatment of Dental Abscess

Abscesses must first be drained, which reduces pain and a large amount of infection, then endodontic treatment (RCT) or even tooth extraction may be necessary and should be done immediately. If the abscess involves the gum tissue, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water. This should be done several times a day for several days. The use of antibiotics is essential to eliminate the infection completely. A radiograph of the tooth six months later is needed to compare it with the current photo and ensure the infection is gone.

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