What Shall We Do If a Dental Emergency Happened?

Dental emergencies can occur everywhere and every time and surprise us. In these cases, the calmer you are, the better your chances of saving your teeth. One of the dentists, who works in an emergency dental clinic in New Westminster , wrote in an article about the effects of your decision in these dental emergencies. It has a significant impact on your healing process. So how can we consider the right action in the event of a dental emergency? Here are some recommendations to the most common questions about emergency dental problems:

  • What shall I do if my tooth knock-out?

 First of all, stay calm and visit your dentist as soon as possible. It’s a dental trauma that depends on your speed to go to a dental clinic. Meanwhile, hold your tooth with a clean piece of cloth and don’t touch the root at all! Hold it with its crown -the part that helps to chew- and wash it smoothly with clean water and milk. Don’t use chemicals things to wash it! Try to put it back to the socket but if it’s not possible, don’t force it and just put it in a glass of milk or your saliva.

  • What if I break or crack my tooth? 

At the first level, make sure that all your tooth pieces are together, or you have all of them. It’s so essential for your dentist when you go to the dental clinic. And again, wash your tooth with clean, warm water and use an ice pack in the area of the desired tooth on your face. In this case, visiting your dentist is highly vital because a tiny crack can quickly become a large one and causes more significant problems. 

  • My toothache is killing me. What should I do?

Firstly, rinse your mouth slowly with warm salty water, then apply an ice compress to relieve the pain; if it wasn’t enough, take over-the-counters like acetaminophen but be careful! Don’t use aspirin because it can burn your gum and add more problems! Then take an appointment from a reliable dental clinic that you know from before to visit a dentist.

  • I guess my jaw is broken. What shall I do? 

We have two kinds of dental emergencies for this one. In the first one, you are almost sure that this emergency is a broken jaw. So you go to the nearest dental clinic as soon as you can. But in the second one, you have some traumas in your jaw areas; in this case, use an ice pack as the last one to reduce the pain, and if it didn’t work, visit your dentist.

  • Something got stuck between my mouth or teeth; how can I remove it?

Use dental floss and mouthwash softly to evolve those pieces. Usually, it works, but if it didn’t, don’t use sharp things like a knife at all. It can cause severe injuries and infections. Just visit your dentist for clean and professional removal.

Don’t forget to learn about dental emergency clinics which are near you. So you won’t waste your time finding a good one in a dental emergency.