Different Cosmetic Dentistry Methods for the Beauty of Your Teeth

The tooth is one of the most important face components that play an essential role in your beauty. Every day more and more methods are created for cosmetic dental procedures that can be very beneficial for improving the look of your teeth and smile. Dental implantis one of the used dental surgery methods for its strength and beauty.Dental implants are one of the cosmetic dentistry methods. They are a material that replaces the root of the tooth. This material is a strong base for fixed (permanent) or removable teeth. Click here to gain more useful information about cosmetic dentistry.

Dental Implant Surgery

How is Dental Implant Surgery Done?

The dentist performs dental implant surgery under local anesthesia. In local anesthesia, you do not feel pain in your mouth, and you are alert during the surgery, and at the same time, you can use a sedative to relieve anxiety. After complete anesthesia of the gums, the dentist will make an incision in your gums and make a hole in your jawbone, then he inserts the screw into the hole.

In special circumstances, the damaged tooth can be extracted, and the tooth can be operated. This method is also called a one-session operation or an immediate dental implant.

If immediate dental implants are not available, this can take several months, after which the teeth’ extraction takes place. This type of implant surgery is called a delayed implant.

Of course, in some very rare cases, the operation is performed under anesthesia, in which case the tooth operation must be performed in special centers and with special medical equipment.

Delayed and immediate dental implants can be done in one or two steps. In the one-step method, the rod and the joints connected between the prosthesis and the implant are placed simultaneously. The two-stage method is performed by first placing the rod under the gums and waiting for about two to three months for the gums and bones healing.

Dental Bleaching

Familiarity with Dental Veneer 

Dental Veneer is another cosmetic method that has no side effects and can be used easily. Dental veneer, like dental implants, solves some of the dental problems. Some people may face problems that include teeth fractures, caries, corrosion, etc., which can be repaired and beautified with the dental veneer method.Dental veneers are done very quickly and do not take much time, this treatment is done exactly on the teeth, and there is no need to go to the laboratory.This method causes minor changes in the teeth and is very popular because people can change or remove the dental veneer at any time.

Familiarity with Dental Bleaching

As another cosmetic method, Teeth whitening, is done to remove all kinds of pigments and stains on the teeth that have been created over time or genetically. This method can be done with a laser or using different materials. Some dentists perform teeth whitening method applying different materials and lasers in the dental office, but some allow the patientsuse some home remedies by molding their teeth and specifying some special materials.