5 Things to Avoid When You Have Plantar Fasciitis

If you are suffering from sharp pain in the heel after walking or running for a long time, then you must be one of the two million Americans that have plantar fasciitis or chronic plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is nothing but the result of an inflamed and torn plantar fascia. Your plantar fascia is the tendon-like band of tissue that runs along the bottom of your foot. Its role is to absorb shock from the ground in order to shield your body from pressure with every step. As plantar fasciitis occurs in millions of people, it is best to know what things to avoid if you are suffering from it.

Foods that Increase Inflammation

When you are already suffering from inflammation of the plantar fascia, you should take care not to add to this. Avoid foods that encourage inflammation such as trans fats particularly found in junk foods and baked goods. You should also avoid refined grains and sugar as well as red meat because of the meat’s saturated fat. Avoid corn, soybean and sunflower oils because their omega-6 fats are not helpful. Avoid wheat or other foods that have protein gluten such as barley and rye. It is also best to avoid sweets pasta, and white flour as they can cause sudden blood sugar peaks.

Replace all these inflammation-inducing foods with omega-3 fatty acids. You can get these from salmon and many fish oil supplements. You should also have a diet rich in fresh plants and green vegetables. These will alleviate the inflammation and the pain that is associated with it.

High-Impact Exercise

Take care not to do high-impact exercise and activities. These activities include running, jumping and sports that create a lot of stress to your feet and heels. These may include tennis and high jumps. It is a greater disadvantage if you are overweight and you engage in these because there is greater pressure on your feet. Replace these with low-impact exercises such as cycling or swimming. Low-impact exercise will not hurt your feet much and will not make your plantar fasciitis worse.

plantar fasciitis treatment

High Heels and Going Barefoot

High-heeled shoes will put greater pressure on your heel especially if you are walking fast or if you are continually moving. The same thing goes if you are standing for a long time on high heels. You are not spared if you are also going barefoot on any hard surface. This will create the same negative impact on your heels.

Old Athletic Shoes

Also, don’t wear your old running shoes anymore. After they have run for 400 to 500 miles, they cannot anymore support your weight efficiently, and they will hurt your feet. Also, it all depends on your athletic shoes. Some brands wear out fast, and when they do, they expose your plantar fascia to constant pressure that will damage it.

Cheap Diagnostic and Treatment Centers

Your plantar fasciitis is not cancer, but it does not mean you do not have to take it seriously. Get to a good diagnostic and treatment center like the New York DNR https://nydnrehab.com/blog/plantar-fasciitis-treatment-2/. They have state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools that can help alleviate the condition of your plantar fasciitis. While low-quality centers may even worsen your plantar fasciitis with temporary treatments, New York DNR uses advanced diagnostic technological GAIT and diagnostic ultrasound to assess your condition. They also use extra-corporeal shockwave therapy to grow back your injured muscles and tendons.

Some Final Words

Plantar fasciitis is more common and more dangerous than you think because it can develop into a severe case that can impair your walking. You should take care to prevent it, but if you already have it or if your circumstances contribute to it, then take care to avoid things that should make the condition worse. The best thing to do though is to consult experts like the New York Dynamic Neuromuscular Rehabilitation & Physical Therapy in order to know exactly what you should do to have it treated.